Using Filters to Locate Orders to be Dispatched

OMINS includes built-in filters that help users locate orders that are paid and ready to be dispatched. These filters show only those invoices which are of interest and exclude all others which helps expedite the dispatch process.

The “to print and dispatch today” filter is one such filter. It shows all paid orders that are ready to be printed and sent. These are orders for which you have not printed packing slips yet.

To use this filter, from the find dropdown select “to print and dispatch today” and hit the search button as shown below:


The list will then display all orders that have been paid and not printed.

You can do a select all and then press the Print button to print packing slips for all those orders.


Next select the type of report you want to print for the packing slip. There are plenty of reports to choose from, however it’s advisable to select one which has barcodes in code (w/lines) and then hit print now.

You will then see a dialog box which asks you to save or open the packing slips as a PDF file.

The selected orders will be marked as “printed”. You can then proceed to dispatch these orders and then input tracking numbers accordingly. (See parcel tracking guide for details)

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